The Ultimate Iron Chef
Tuesday, May 23, 2006
  The worst day of my life
I can't even begin to describe what has happened to me in the last few months.

I don't know that I want to. This will be the first time since it happened that I've talked about it by choice.

Its been a comedy of errors and a great tragedy all tied up in one.

My marriage. Well wasn't that a joke. I'm surprised I survived the day.

It all started out with an announcement from my fiance's brother at the wedding breakfast. He and his current wife were going to try and have children. All they needed was help raising money for an operation to reverse a previous operation he had had when he thought he was done having kids. (who by the way, due to his crazy ex-wife were in foster care).

I was shocked but the rest of the family weren't surprised in the least.

Personally I can't believe that he could just leave his old family behind and act like they don't matter anymore. If my kids were in foster care I would do everything possible to get them out. I would sacrifice anything and everything.

Anyway, after this horrible announcement my fiance and I were supposed to eat breakfast. I managed to choke down a slice of dry toast without throwing it up.

My fiance didn't seem to understand why I was having such a problem with things.

This is where I started thinking that maybe my fiance and I might not be as made for each other as I had thought.

After the breakfast we went to the church to look at the cultural hall which had been decorated by my fiance and her mom and various other family members.

This was my first time seeing it, and I was excited to see the creative talents of my fiance.

At one end of the hall was a silk covered altar. That sort of threw me for a loop, but I thought I knew my fiance well enough to trust her on this one.

I turned to her and said "Honey, what's that?" pointing to the altar.

She said, "thats the altar for the ring ceremony"

"Ring ceremony?"

"Yeah, for those relatives that aren't a member of the church."

"Really? you have relatives that aren't members?" I asked.

"Well no, but it seemed like a nice idea" she replied.

"OK" I said, a little confused,"If you think it's necessary.

She then went on to explain that we would kneel at the altar and exchange rings.

I really didn't feel like that was a good idea. It seemed a little sacreligeous as well as unecessary! But again, chose to keep my mouth shut.

After looking over the cultural hall everyone else seemed to have things to do to get ready for the reception later that evening. My fiance pulled me into the relief society room and sat me down on a metal folding chair.

She had such a sad look on her face that I had to ask "What's wrong?"

She then proceeded to tell me about her previous marriage.

"Of course it wasn't in the temple like ours will be"

I about had a heart attack! We were supposed to be married in 3 short hours and she was just telling me about this now?

"What are you talking about? You were married before? You are telling me this now?"

"I tried to tell you before, but couldn't think of the right words. Mom said I had to tell you before we were married, or she would."

I sort of sat there stunned for a few minutes. She had been married before?

"Were there any children?"

"Yes, but they are living with their Dad right now. I only have them during the summers. I was hoping that we could move near them so I could see them more often."

"What? You are telling me about your previous marriage, your kids, and now your desire to move somewhere else? What else have you been hiding?"

She looked a little shocked and then said "Well, I hadn't thought about it like that."

"Didn't you think this might affect me? I'm going to have to find a new job and also support - how many kids? - during the summer?"

"There are only 3 and, well, not just during the summer. I have to send child support checks every month. Most of the time it's really hard for me to come up with the money. That's why I moved back in with my Mom and Dad. And then I lost my job. Things were horrible until I met you. You have a really great steady job and make a lot of money. I thought all my worries were over when you asked me to marry you"

"Do you even love me? Or do you just want my money?"

"Well ... I have a real affection for you. I'm sure it will grow into love - after a little time."

That was all I needed to hear."This marriage is not happening. Do you want to announce it or shall I?"

She looked a little shocked, and we argued for a while before she realized I was dead serious.

We ended up announcing it together and her mom volunteered to stand outside the temple and explain it to everyone as they showed up.

My parents were really disappointed. They had plans to turn my room into an exercise room.

I'm still getting over my shock and disappointment. I've seen her a few times at institute activities, but I just ignore her and stay far away.

I've moved out of my parents house and now live in an apartment with a great roommate named Jackson.
Tuesday, December 27, 2005
  This is it!
So many of you may have been wondering, Why doesn't Sam write? What could be more exciting than keeping us updated on his life?

Well, Here it is, the reason that I have been so busy.

I'm getting married!

On Jan 24, 2006

We met at a dance. Our eyes met across the dance floor... yeah, ok, maybe not that dramatic.

Actually she was sitting out in the foyer and some guy had pulled a chair over and was sitting in front of her. She looked cornered and couldn't move because his chair was so close to hers. What a weirdo.

I gallantly rescued her from the situation by asking her to dance. She agreed, and a week later we were engaged!

Now, lest you think we're jumping into this a bit quick - I should tell you that we both spent many hours fasting and praying over this decision.

So we've been in a whirlwind of getting ready. Her parents were a little worried about how quick the whole thing has been, but everything is coming together so well, that we're all certain it was meant to be.

After all, her older sister got engaged after the first date (We got engaged after 6 dates). One month later they were married. It worked out for them. They now have 2 little boys and are very happy.

Her parents have such a strong marriage. They are ward stalwarts. He's the Ward Physical Facilities guy, and boy does that building shine. Her Mom is the Ward Chorister and wow does that ward sing together. Everyone says that they are invaluable to the ward!

I am a bit worried about her older brother though. He got married about 8 years ago, right off his mission. He and his wife then had 5 kids in 7 years. After that, they had a quiet divorce. His wife got the kids, and no one is sure just why they got divorced. About a year later, he got married again to an 18 year old girl he met in the singles ward.

I think the whole thing is kind of strange. I just hope that this marriage works out for him.

Anyway, We've been working on decorations for the gym, and looking at wedding cakes for the last week. My fiancee and her mom have been busy working on her dress. She's so excited about it!

The next time I post I'll be a married man!
Tuesday, November 15, 2005
I am totally over Molly. At least in a romatic way. How could I be so enamored with a girl who would consent to marry someone like Peter?

But I am still concerned about Molly. How could she still be willing to marry him? She must have seen his more worldly side by now. If he was such a good missionary and an AP, why isn't he the ward mission leader or Elders quorum president? Why is he a secretary? What, does he have great typing skills or something? If that is the case, then WHOA NELLY! Molly are you sure that he, well, bats from the right side of the plate, if you know what I mean?

Worth checking into.

And where is big brother Steve in all of this? Why isn't he chasing off this weirdo?
Sunday, September 25, 2005
I've searched and searched and have not been able to locate Molly.

I've attended each of the BYU home games to no avail.

I've attended multiple wards and no one knows her. (Molly, you haven't gone inactive with that Peter guy have you?)

I wonder if she's married yet? Is it too late? Do I still have a chance?

Molly?!? Where are you?

Molly, if you have any compassion at all, at least meet with me. 1pm, this Thursday at the BYU bookstore. I'll be the one buying this awesome hat

If you meet with me and still want to marry Peter, I'll give up. I'll stay away. You won't see me again.
Monday, August 29, 2005
Sunday was awful.

Not only did I not find Molly, everyone thinks I'm a loser! I could tell. I would ask about Molly and show her picture, and they would ask me how we met and why I didn't know how to contact her.

After I told them our story, they would look at me with pity and ask me things like "do your parents know you are doing this?" and "Are you sure the young lady wants to be found?" and " Maybe you should just forget about Molly".

One girl even asked me out. But I said no. Molly is my one true love.

I know she is a BYU cougar fan. I'm planning on attending the game on Saturday. Maybe I'll see her.

If I had enough money I could always purchase one of those ads that they put up on the big screen at the game. I wonder how much they cost?
Wednesday, August 24, 2005
I've made a list of all the possible ward buildings and other locations where Molly might attend church. With her beautiful picture in hand, I intend to visit as many wards as possible.

I'm sure someone will recognize her wonderful face.
I need to figure out what ward Molly attends.

Then I can visit and sit next to her in Sunday school. She wouldn't even know who I was.

I could attract her with my intellect and knowledge of the gospel.

It wouldn't take her long to figure out I am the better choice when compared to Peter. (Who, by the way, is having a pretty serious issue with pride right now)
Tuesday, August 23, 2005

Peter and Molly are engaged!????

I'm so upset I can hardly type.

Peter kissed my future bride. Oh Molly! What has he done to your sweet spirit!

I always said that if a girl is engaged she is no longer someone I would date, but in this case I've changed my mind!

I've got to get together a gameplan.

The first step is to get Molly to go out with me. But how?
A wanna be head chef. Right now I am auditioning to be on TOP CHEF!! My ultimate goal is to own my own 4 star restaurant in Salt Lake City!

Location: Provo, Utah, United States

I learned my craft on the downtown streets of gritty Provo Utah. I'm proud to be the next up and coming head chef at my current place of employment...that is, as soon as the current head chef moves on. My current goal is to appear on Bravo TV's Top Chef, with an ultimate goal of one day opening my own restaurant with my prize money. I'm not sure how this good Mormon boy will thrive in an environment of drinking, smoking and immorality that they currently have on the show. But I'll have right on my side. Good will prevail!

August 2005 / September 2005 / November 2005 / December 2005 / May 2006 /

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